Restored Hope Network
Restored Hope is a network of ministries across the nation which offer hope and healing for those dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions and/or sexual identity issues. RHN hosts an annual conference (June 26-27, 2015) which is excellent for same-sex attracted strugglers and/or their parents to attend. Their website also has an interactive map listing counselors/ministries across the U.S. which help people dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions.
Elijah House
Elijah House specializes in prayer ministry, helping individuals address root causes that lie beneath the surface of most problems. “Bitter roots” (Heb. 12:15) feed patterns in us that lead to broken relationships, habitual sin, and many other kinds of “bad fruit.” Once roots are discovered, the prayer minister leads the person in prayer at the foot of the Cross, to forgive those who wounded him/her, as well as to receive forgiveness for judgments and other strongholds his heart has formed. While Elijah House is available to address all types of sin struggles, they are especially effective in helping those who deal with unwanted same-sex attractions. The Lord used a week at Elijah House as a significant part of Linda’s healing journey.
Parents & Friends of Ex-Gays
Parents & Friends of of Ex-Gays is a website geared toward parents, friends, and pastors/churches who are dealing with homosexuality in their sphere of influence. PFOX offers support groups, video testimonials, and resources such as info about government and policy issues and referral websites for additional help and counseling.
Pure Passion TV
Pure Passion is a comprehensive website that deals with sexual brokenness of any kind. Includes video testimonies from men and women set free from homosexuality, transgenderism, child abuse, and pornography in addition to articles, booklets, podcasts, and DVDs addressing sexual brokenness. A superb resource for the Church.
Compassion Without Compromise Promo Video
Highlights from the one-day seminar Linda developed to train and equip the body of Christ to respond to homosexuality. The training is based on Linda’s personal experience of freedom from transgender issues in addition to the latest research from her 2014 master’s thesis (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary).