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Dr. Linda A. Seiler once had plans to have sex reassignment surgery, change her name to David, and live happily ever after. But God. Linda’s life and message are a testament to the power of Jesus to change everything.

Linda’s Story
Linda Seiler

New Book

A Former Transgender responds to LGBTQ

Drawing from her academic research and her own eleven-year journey out of transgender desires and same-sex attractions, Dr. Linda A. Seiler answers questions such as:

  • What does the Bible say about sexual orientation and gender identity?
  • Are people born gay or trans?
  • Why are teenagers adopting LGBTQ identities at alarming rates?
  • How do we navigate conversations with LGBTQ-identified loved ones?

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New Video Course

TRANS-Formation Video Course
Based on Linda’s Book

This 11-part video series correlates to Linda’s book TRANS-Formation and includes two bonus episodes: one highlighting her dissertation research and a final commissioning message.

  • Each video comes with a study guide, discussion questions, and suggested resources to learn more.
  • Great for training pastoral staff, ministry leaders, parents, overcomers, or watching as part of a small group Bible study.
  • Watch videos on their own, or read Linda’s book alongside the videos. Video descriptions indicate which book chapters are covered in each video.

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Dr. Linda Seiler has masterfully taken the lessons from her testimony and combined them with biblical principles to provide us with Trans-Formation. It is obvious we are witnessing a serious moral revolution . . . culture pivoting away from a biblical view on human sexuality. This book is timely and a much-needed resource for the church, equipping believers to respond to the LGBTQ issues that we face.

Doug Clay,
General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God,

Linda Seiler addresses the critical topics of same-sex attraction and gender identity confusion with boldness, compassion, and solid research. Having experienced personal transformation herself, she serves as an able guide to help others find wholeness.

Michael Brown,
host of the Line of Fire radio broadcast and author of Can You Be Gay and Christian?

I give thanks for Linda Seiler and this book, both for the candor of her testimony and for her faithfulness in staying true to God’s will for her life and not compromising the gospel. She offers sensitive and sensible advice from her own experience and from Scripture on how to navigate LGBTQ matters.

Robert A. J. Gagnon,
professor of Bible and Theology at Houston Christian University,
author of The Bible and Homosexual Practice and co-author of Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views
Linda Seiler Linda Seiler Linda Seiler

Linda Seiler

A Life Changed

Today, Linda is content in a female body and wholly attracted to men. Called of God to equip believers regarding LGBTQ, Linda shares candidly from own story coupled with a biblical theology of sexuality and the latest research regarding the origin of same-sex attractions and gender insecurity.

Her training seminars are based on her personal journey of transformation combined with the latest academic research. Linda completed her PhD at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in 2020, with her dissertation investigating 30 case studies of men and women who were once same-sex attracted and have experienced transformation. She shares insights from her personal journey and her research in her latest book TRANS-Formation available on Amazon.

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Invite Linda to Speak

Dr. Seiler speaks regularly on a variety of topics, including her journey of transformation coupled with her PhD research. She especially loves speaking on a biblical theology of sexuality, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and what the Bible says about women in leadership.

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